Faith & All Things

On God, Culture and Social Justice

Archive for the tag “sexuality”

Does Faith Extinguish Sexuality?

A question newspapers asked in Finland earlier this year. A charismatic pastor was let go by his church, because he crossed “sexual boundaries”. The vague description left people wondering. The media ask this question because, what might not be appropriate for a pastor might be normal for those living outside religious rules.

So, are religious codes of conduct prohibitions on one’s “normal sexual behavior”?

The Bible gives a simple guideline: One man is to commit to one woman for life, enjoy sex, bear children and raise the next generation. God is 100% committed to his bride (the Church) and thus sets an example for us  to commit to one partner for life. Iron sharpens iron. When you are with one person, you are forced to mature, deal with your issues plus there is stability in your life.

Well, we stray from this. There are hookups. There are kids from different partners in one family. There are same-sex parents, single-parents and absent parents.

On a foundational level, life is simpler, safer and more enjoyable when people get married and stick it out. A ton of research has proven this. When you step outside of the one marriage -ideal, anything is possible and permissible. The key question is, does it increase your happiness? Just looking around at the carnage, it doesn’t seem so.

The so-called sexual freedom leaves behind a trail of serial-relationships, discontentment, nobody’s kids, bitterness, poor single moms,  loneliness and uncertainty. The boundaries the Bible sets on one’s sexual expression are protective instead of smothering.

God calls us to submit to his good and perfect will. But we cannot, if we can’t trust God.

And that is the biggest decision you will make in your lifetime.

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