Faith & All Things

On God, Culture and Social Justice

Archive for the tag “kingdom of God”

No Competition in the Kingdom of Heaven

Faith in Jesus is the gateway to the Kingdom of God. It is both here & now and it is also eternal. It is a small seed. It is like touch of yeast in a dough. We as Christians are to work for the Kingdom and see it grow and advance in this world.

Unfortunately Christians and churches can be overly territorial and competitive. With good intentions we start to build our own kingdoms and lose sight of the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven.

Churches and so called parachurch organizations compete of volunteers, money, time and campaigns. Instead of seeing one another as fellow kingdom-builders, we think “if they get this person or that grant, it’s a loss to us”. When in reality it is all for the same Kingdom.

Perhaps the root cause for this problem is our focus on our work or calling, instead of God.

The Creator of the universe does not lack in resources. HE himself builds the Kingdom through us. If we have a correct, humongous view of God, we can have a correct view of the Kingdom and also of our work in a church or ministry. Not the other way around.

The Mystery of the Kingdom of God

It is like yeast mixed into a large amount of flour until it has worked itself through the dough.

It is like a man finding a treasure in a field, selling everything he owns, to buy the field.

It is like a mustard seed, that is the smallest of seeds, but when it is planted, it grows into a large tree and birds make nests on its branches.

The kingdom of God will advance in this world and it cannot be stopped.

The task might seem impossible, because it feels too insignificant in such a diverse world. Yet you need just a bit of yeast to work through the whole batch of dough.

It might feel like no one cares, but when you find it, you know it is worth more than any other thing. And you will be ready to lay down everything else for it.

It might feel like it is too small, but tiny seeds can grow into large trees.

That is the mystery of the Kingdom of God. It is here. Somehow. Working its way through our lives.

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