Faith & All Things

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Archive for the tag “Abortion”

Baby’s Rights?

We’re just so screwed up.

The European Human Rights Court is about to make a ruling on whether the Irish anti-abortion rules  violate women’s human rights. What a crazy question to even ask. The next question is, what about the rights of the unborn child? It is so sick, that the mother of an unborn baby willingly and brutally kills the helpless baby growing inside her. A mother, who naturally loves her baby so much that she is often willing to lay her life down for the child. Most women do not know what follows an abortion, mentally and emotionally.

Exhausting abortion-wars are being fought in the USA, but here in Europe everyone quietly accepts abortion. Period. No questions asked. No debates. No public discussion. If someone dares to question the status quo, he/she  will be silenced immediately.

We’re so concerned about women’s rights to their own body, that the father’s rights and the baby’s rights are a non-issue.  Obviously this ideology is based on a naturalistic view of the world. It is just a clump of flesh in the womb, not a person. But when does a baby become a person who has rights? A much debated question.

It is so unfair for women, who go through with abortion, that no one ever warns them about the depression, guilt and nightmares most women live with, even decades after the “procedure”.  We justify many selfish things intellectually and scientifically, but justification will not make the guilt go away. For many women it takes years, before they are able to forgive themselves.

We are so appalled by how the Nazi’s massacred millions in cold blood. Yet we in the same cold blood want to rid ourselves of unwanted children.



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