Faith & All Things

On God, Culture and Social Justice

Archive for the tag “London”

Speak Up Christians

BRITAIN ATHEIST ADVERTISEMENTThe famous London buses carried a no-god-message this past month. “There is probably no god, so stop worrying and enjoy life.” I completely disagree with the statement, and thought it would be so very  lame, if that was the end of the story.

I have recently moved from America back to Europe and dealing with reverse culture shock. While in America I realized how cynical we Europeans are. That is exactly why we don’t get America and the way they do things. We don’t believe in the power of one, that one person could make a difference. Especially we as Christians have resigned, checked out. When it comes to elections we hope that someone who isn’t completely godless would win, but we don’t believe we could actually use our power and elect someone who is godly.

The same is true when it comes to public opinion. Everyone seems to think that Christianity and Biblical values are outdated, useless and outright intolerant. Somehow, somewhere we as Christians have seemed to come to believe that also. Many European Christians have shut up, when it’s time to speak up.

With all that I was happy to read that the Christian Party decided to do something in the UK. They have sponsored a counter-campaign on the buses. “There definitely is a God. So, join the Christian Party and enjoy your life.” By just getting that word out there, hopefully Christians will be encouraged to speak up.

Read more from Time.

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