Faith & All Things

On God, Culture and Social Justice

Archive for the tag “prayer”


The late John Stott writes that Christians shouldn’t think they cannot change the society around them, when they in fact have tremendous influence.

#1 Prayer – if it is true that the God of the Bible is who he says he is, asking him to intervene most definitely makes a difference
#2 Truth – if there is truth in this world, it will last and nothing can change that. For example, if it is true that one should work for 6 days and rest on the 7th, it is a truth that can be proven not only by experience or the Bible, but through research.
#3 Example – If you claim to follow Jesus and live accordingly, you will have to swim against the tide. If Biblical principles on life really work, then your life is living proof.
#4 Group Solidaritysignificant change happens through small groups of dedicated people. Jesus taught his 12 students the basics and let them run with it. Through them the Church has spread to every continent. There is immense strength in a small group of people who are dedicated and convinced of their cause.

How Real Is God

I listened to an acquaintance talk about how God met with him in a fresh way. He’s had his share of trouble in life, with divorce, physical injury and a loss of direction. All along he’s had faith in God somewhere out there, but recently the doubts have grown as he keeps hitting walls.

Last week he went to church and asked someone to pray for him. Through that prayer, God spoke to him, touched his heart and brought out the tears. He left feeling loved by God himself instead of forgotten.

I couldn’t help think how God is not tied into the boxes we’ve made for him. This tough looking guy met with God, was encouraged and re-freshed, because a young girl was willing to pray for him and let God speak words of encouragement through her.

It is a beautiful thing and reminds me how real God is and so very near.

Pain – God’s Opportunity

“If there is a God, why is there so much suffering?”

If you are a Christian, have you noticed how little you need God when all is going well? No need to linger in the presence of God, just a quick “thanks” and off you go to do your thing.

When you’re in the midst of a struggle, question, suffering or pain you linger with God. There is so much anxiety and no one else to turn to.

We have all been a part of prayer campaigns. A child has cancer, a brother’s life is off the rails, an accident happened, a marriage is in crisis. You pray and often things get better. Healing happens. Life gets sorted out. A couple is reconciled.

If there was no pain and suffering in this world, we wouldn’t be pushed towards God. We wouldn’t see God at work. In suffering God can showcase his Majesty and his Goodness. It is a blessing in disguise. It hurts, but the union with God in such moments is at its sweetest.

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