Faith & All Things

On God, Culture and Social Justice

Archive for the tag “christian”

Tall Poppy Syndrome in Church

The tall poppy syndrome is somewhat true in Finland. If someone is  successful in something, we like to cut them down. There is even a saying, that if you compliment someone you will just make them proud.

This is strangely enough true in church.

Trying to introduce a time for testimonies to a church service can be surprisingly difficult.

“Oh, you mean that someone will come and tell how their life was in the gutters and now the don’t have any problems.”

“I don’t like those kinds of testimonies, because they make me feel like God helps everyone else except me.”

“Maybe we could have people share how difficult their life is?”

Is our faith so small, that if someone has experienced God’s help in their lives,  we refuse to hear about it, because “of course God does things in others’ lives, not mine”. What the heck? Isn’t exactly the opposite true? Because God has answered other people’s prayers, maybe he can get to me too.

One Man’s Ignorant Idea Puts Millions in Danger

How is it that one man from rural Florida has gotten the attention of millions? How is it that now his every move is monitored by hoards of reporters and twitchy politicians? How is it that flags are burning and murderous threats made in far-away-places such as Afghanistan because of a red-neck?

Pastor Terry Jones, of the Dove World Outreach Center, is an ignorant man who should have been ignored. Thanks to the blood thirsty media, the news of his Koran-burning crusade have spread across the world and caused a lot of harm.

Whether the burning will be canceled or suspended, Christians and pastors in Muslim countries have been put to danger. The masses of Muslims who sweep the streets of Kabul enraged are not thinking coolly and logically. They’ve been insulted, they move in masses and they will let their anger burn.

We in the Western world watch these images of Eastern men throwing their fists up in the air and think, “this is what a Muslim is like” and are filled with fear. In the same way Muslims hear about Pastor Jones’ plans and think “this is how Christians and pastors are” and are filled with hatred. Most Europeans and Americans don’t personally know Muslims to be able to tell the difference. Just like most Muslims don’t know true Christians to be able to tell the difference.

Bad news travel fast as it has in this case. It will take a lot of effort and time to undo the harm of one man’s folly.

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