Faith & All Things

On God, Culture and Social Justice

Archive for the tag “Francis Chan”

The Authenticity of Francis Chan

I am inspired by this guy, because he is for real.

Western Christians like to be comfortable. American Christians like to be entertained. They love it when someone preaches it! It gives something nice to talk about over Sunday lunch at Chili’s.

So, this pastor of a thriving mega-church in California preaches that we should love the poor and we should pray hard and we should have the courage to leave everything to follow Jesus. People nod, but nothing changes. He becomes more and more convinced. He makes up his mind and quits. Takes his family and leaves. Says he doesn’t know exactly where and what God has in mind, he just knows he has to take the step.

People think he is crazy. All the respectable Christian leaders question his decision. But, what if he is the only one who is sane? The only one who has the guts to really follow Jesus, take risks that demand faith. The one who is tired of being safe, being entertained and entertaining.

I think many of us Western Christians secretly wish for the courage to do something. To take Jesus’ words at face value and live them out. I pray the example of Francis Chan will inspire many of us to walk closer to Jesus.

Francis Chan website.

Just Be My Church

I’ve been following and listening to Francis Chan for the past few years. I’ve been impressed with his rigorous pursuit of authencity. He does not want to be hypocritical or fake in his faith in any way. Now in Christianity Today he tells about his plans on leaving his church to plant “house churches” in LA County. He is sick of commercial church that spoon feeds Christians.

I couldn’t agree more. I think that is my number one frustration with the American Church. It has become about programs and fancy settings and true discipleship has suffered. How many times does a fellow church goer invite you over for dinner to his home? Can you count on a church goer to help you out when you need it? Unfortunately it is occasional more than a rule.

The same trend can be seen in Finland. Christians do their programs, but opening your house, your fridge and your heart to strangers is difficult. I know I want to change this culture and I know my generation desires community. Somehow we need to simplify and go back to the basics of loving thy neighbour.

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